Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ballast Removal Done, Now DCC Wiring and New Turnout Controls

Ballast removal from the Dunes Junction layout is now complete! Woo hoo!
Newly acquired SW1500 IHB 9213 on the de-ballasted interchange track at Dunes Junction. Steve Lee photo
Completion of the de-ballasting project clears the decks for some new layout renewal projects, which Dunes Junction management have dubbed the 'zen electrical simplification program,' the goal of which is less wire, more fun. Look for future posts on my zen electrical simplification program which will involve joining the Digital Command Control (DCC) revolution and mechanical turnout controls.


  1. Great to hear you've managed to clear the ballast. It's sometimes necessary to take that one step back in order to move two steps ahead, but it's also often really frustrating, and difficult to take that step. Glad to read that you're past it now. Enjoy moving forward!
    - Trevor

  2. Thanks for Up Dunes Junction's first comment ever! We're going to really explore the 'one step back in order to move two steps ahead' concept shortly as re-wiring for DCC morphs into re-laying all track.
